Because of this very pretty lady--Sarah Richardson!
OK...I admit it, I've been hopelessly addicted to making my space "MINE" since I bought my first house almost 30 years ago. Back then it was all the rage to stencil country ducks and checkerboard patterns at your chair rail. I did put "reclaimed" wood under the chair rail molding long before "barn wood" became the material to use. I did shop at antique shops and listened to my very first CD playing from a little armoire that I still own today. It sits in our little cottage. The CD was Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms (I'll never forget it).
If I had every penny I ever spent on decorating magazines in a big jar, I would probably be able to afford the rest of the landscaping we need to do here on our property. No kidding!
When HGTV first started up, I couldn't have been happier. A dream come true for someone like me. I watched religiously. I had my favorites, of course. I still love Divine Design and the tall and classy Candace. David on Color Splash has more charm than any one person should be blessed with. I love him and his bold use of color and, most of all, his original artwork pieces.
But what happened to other shows that we loved so much?
Am I the only one who is just SICK of House Hunters and House Hunters International? It is rare to find anything that is worthwhile to watch these days.
But there IS hope.
There is Sarah. Her House. Her Cottage. Her REAL style and talent.
She is amazing. Don't get me wrong, I've been watching her for years. I loved Room Service on the Style Network and Design Inc what good (but a little too contemporary for my taste).
If you haven't seen this show. You gotta make a point to start watching it.
Get more details here.
I have started recording all the episodes. Watch for it on Friday and Saturday nights.
She is truly amazing. She incorporates old with new. She can do just about any style or color palette and make it simply fabulous. She shares her thoughts with us and her inspiration sources. She is a "can-do" person and you get the feeling she really did sand the floors herself, tromp through the mud and muck with the contractor, and put the antique bed frame together on the floor with Tommy (her wonderful partner--you'll just love him too).
I've probably gone on enough about my new guilty pleasure. I hope HGTV takes the popularity of the show and springboards into some similar shows that are actually something to look forward to again.
Do you see this master bedroom with the four poster bed? The quilt? She found that at an antique fair and literally decorated the entire room around it, never planning to have a yellow room before finding this teasure.
Now isn't that what all of us "amateur" self-proclaimed home decorators do?
Isn't that what sets us apart from many others? Aren't we the ones that lay in bed at night and think about what color we are going to paint the mud room, what circle shaped item we need for our mantlej, or what look for less we can achieve next?
Yep, that's us.
We applaud Sarah.
OK...I admit it, I've been hopelessly addicted to making my space "MINE" since I bought my first house almost 30 years ago. Back then it was all the rage to stencil country ducks and checkerboard patterns at your chair rail. I did put "reclaimed" wood under the chair rail molding long before "barn wood" became the material to use. I did shop at antique shops and listened to my very first CD playing from a little armoire that I still own today. It sits in our little cottage. The CD was Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms (I'll never forget it).
If I had every penny I ever spent on decorating magazines in a big jar, I would probably be able to afford the rest of the landscaping we need to do here on our property. No kidding!
When HGTV first started up, I couldn't have been happier. A dream come true for someone like me. I watched religiously. I had my favorites, of course. I still love Divine Design and the tall and classy Candace. David on Color Splash has more charm than any one person should be blessed with. I love him and his bold use of color and, most of all, his original artwork pieces.
But what happened to other shows that we loved so much?
Am I the only one who is just SICK of House Hunters and House Hunters International? It is rare to find anything that is worthwhile to watch these days.
But there IS hope.
There is Sarah. Her House. Her Cottage. Her REAL style and talent.
She is amazing. Don't get me wrong, I've been watching her for years. I loved Room Service on the Style Network and Design Inc what good (but a little too contemporary for my taste).
If you haven't seen this show. You gotta make a point to start watching it.
Get more details here.
I have started recording all the episodes. Watch for it on Friday and Saturday nights.
She is truly amazing. She incorporates old with new. She can do just about any style or color palette and make it simply fabulous. She shares her thoughts with us and her inspiration sources. She is a "can-do" person and you get the feeling she really did sand the floors herself, tromp through the mud and muck with the contractor, and put the antique bed frame together on the floor with Tommy (her wonderful partner--you'll just love him too).
I've probably gone on enough about my new guilty pleasure. I hope HGTV takes the popularity of the show and springboards into some similar shows that are actually something to look forward to again.
Do you see this master bedroom with the four poster bed? The quilt? She found that at an antique fair and literally decorated the entire room around it, never planning to have a yellow room before finding this teasure.
Now isn't that what all of us "amateur" self-proclaimed home decorators do?
Isn't that what sets us apart from many others? Aren't we the ones that lay in bed at night and think about what color we are going to paint the mud room, what circle shaped item we need for our mantlej, or what look for less we can achieve next?
Yep, that's us.
We applaud Sarah.

this is the mud room in the farmhouse she re-did...that chest, that light fixture! Oh my.

and here's Sarah with Tommy in front of the farmhouse she totally redesigned..
HGTV, we can't get enough of her!

I completely agree with you about HGTV. So many of their shows are about how to sell your house or buy a house. Where are the decorating shows? What about those of us (which are many) that want to stay in our home and just change it up a bit? I saw Sarah Richardson's show, Sarah's House, also. I loved it and watched all the episodes and was sad to see it over. She is so talented and a joy to watch. She's someone we can all relate to the way she brings the rooms together on a budget (albeit more than mine) and shares her mistakes as well as her success stories along the way. I look forward to here next house re-do. It can't start soon enough.