We brought it to the store yesterday and I hope someone likes it well enough to take it home!
It still has the original price tag. Take a look at the inside of this beauty. Compartments for your things as well as a silk covered interior with hangers.
It is done in yummy shades of off white and light brown.
I did list for sale, but if it doesn't sell soon, it will most likely have to come home with me. Such a unique piece. Louis Vuittion has nothing on this bag.
We found it at the estate sale Friday morning. I wish I had done a Before shot, but I didn't (sorry). Anyhow, you can imagine that it wasn't looking so great. There was paper that had stuck to the top of the table and lots of scratches and rings.
We gave it a good sanding. Then it got a fresh coat of satin black paint. Once the paint was dry we applied a coat of Minwax finishing wax. WELLLL...I'm not sure why, but the paint reacted negatively to the wax. It became a big gummy and sticky. We decided to take a scraper and scrape the wax off the top.
Guess what? We really liked the look that was appearing in front of our eyes. So...we grabbed some steel wool and continued to distress it until we were happy with the look.
Here's the finished "after" photo.
And guess where the "accidental" table is now??????
In a wonderful new home. When we walked into the store yesterday to drop off the music sheet wreath there was a couple taking a good long look at the table and then purchasing it! It had only been there one day!
You've just gotta love that!
I'm hoping for LOTS of energy today now that the kids are off to school. Hope your are finding yourself motivated to do whatever it is you want/need to do as this week gets off to a great start.

Very Pretty Wreath, I also love making them. Smiles, Carol Mae