On Friday afternoon I found this.
A cute little lady (probably in her 80's) was sitting in her garage.
She has several tables with neatly displayed items spread across her front lawn.
I came across this.
The coolest Bake King Checkerboard Marble cake pans in the original box covered in a plastic bag. ($2.00).
I knew it was going home with me.
As I walked up to pay her I said "Did you used to make these wonderful checkerboard cakes?"
She replied, :Well...I always wanted to, but I never used the pans".
Upon closer inspection I realized the pans had never been used. For almost 60 years they sat in her kitchen and she never used them.
I told her "Well...I'm going to use them and make checkerboard cake for my kids".
She smiled.
This is why we go to yard sales.

Let's use our "checkerboard cake pans" and live our lives to the fullest. Have fun with it all!
Stay tuned for the finished checkerboard cake from Starview Sonnet soon.
So glad you stopped in and I'm so grateful for those of you who visit my blog (72 followers strong now....yipee).
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